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Integrate Mailchimp with Leadpages

Last Updated

Connect Mailchimp to your Leadpages account to send leads directly to any of your audiences (lists). Below, you’ll learn how to set up your integration, collect leads, and resolve basic issues you may encounter.


The fine print

  • You’ll need Manager-level permissions or higher in Mailchimp to connect your account.
  • To use Mailchimp throughout your Leadpages account, you’ll need to integrate in two different places, as described below.
  • Lists in Mailchimp are called audiences.

Integrate your account

Follow the steps below to connect your Mailchimp account to Leadpages.

Generate and copy an API key

Our integration leverages Mailchimp’s API, so you’ll need a key to connect your account. Mailchimp has a detailed guide on how to generate a new API key, available here: About API Keys.

TIP: We echo Mailchimp’s recommendation to generate a unique API key to use with Leadpages.

Once you generate or find the API key, copy it and navigate back to your Leadpages account.

Add your API key to Leadpages

Before sending leads to Mailchimp, you'll need to add your API key to Leadpages to connect your Mailchimp account to your Leadpages account. Follow our guide here.

Send leads to Mailchimp

Congrats, you’ve now connected your Mailchimp account with Leadpages! To start sending leads to Mailchimp, open the integration settings for your page, site, pop-up, or alert bar, and select the audience where you’d like contacts to end up.

Follow these steps to choose an integration as the destination for your leads.

Add tags

In addition to sending your leads to a Mailchimp audience, you can also apply Mailchimp tags to those subscribers using the Leadpages Mailchimp integration.

Simply start typing your tag name and click "Create "[tag name]" or press the return/enter key on your keyboard. Click Save.

NOTE: Existing Mailchimp tags you have created in Mailchimp can be applied by typing them in and adding them to your form. They will not appear in a pre-loaded list.

You can select up to 10 tags per Leadpages form with the Mailchimp integration. To remove a tag, simply click the X next to it in the tag listing.

Define your fields

To collect information beyond an email address and name, you’ll need to set up additional fields within Mailchimp. There are a few ways to do this, which are covered here by Mailchimp: Manage Audience and Signup Form Fields.

NOTE: If you require a field in Mailchimp, it will appear required in Leadpages and not be able to be deleted from the form.

After you configure your form within Mailchimp, you should see any additional fields appear so you can add them to your form within Leadpages (more information on adding custom fields to a form widget).

Use Groups

Our forms work with Mailchimp audiences that are segmented into groups. To let your subscribers select a group, be sure to add a Groups form field within Mailchimp. You can use a drop-down menu, checkboxes, or radio buttons as described here: Create a New Audience Group.

Another option is to add subscribers to a pre-selected group. To do so, set your group field to “Hidden”, then choose the default option. As an example, here’s a form for a watch giveaway page. You’ll notice a specific watch color is pre-selected, so any entry will get segmented into that Group in Mailchimp.

Configure double opt-in settings

Audiences in Mailchimp default to a double opt-in process, so any subscribers must confirm their subscription (via an email link) before they end up on your audience. Using double opt-in has many benefits, including protection against spam.

However, you can choose to disable the process when you integrate with Leadpages. If you'd like to bypass your subscribers having to confirm their opt-in, make sure that double opt-in is turned off in both Mailchimp and Leadpages.

WARNING: When you disable double opt-in, new subscribers will not receive a final Welcome Email (if you’ve set one up). You’ll also stop receiving new subscriber notifications. More info…

Here’s how to toggle the setting:​


  1. Navigate to Integrations in the navigation menu on the left side of your account.
  2. Select Mailchimp.
  3. Toggle the "Double Opt-in" switch from "On" to "Off"

Troubleshooting tips and FAQs

Is there a way to enable Welcome Emails and subscriber notifications when using single opt-in?

Unfortunately, the way the single opt-in setting works, it’s not possible to turn those Mailchimp features on. However, there are a couple options you can consider:

Someone has unsubscribed from my list in the past, but wants to opt back in. How can they re-subscribe?

After one of your subscribers has unsubscribed from your Mailchimp list, the only way for them to resubscribe to receive your marketing is via an opt-in email or form created within Mailchimp. They will not be resubscribed by simply opting in to a Leadpages form you have integrated with Mailchimp. This is a stipulation set by Mailchimp. Note: A Mailchimp form could be embedded on a Leadpages landing page or pop-up using the HTML widget.

Need more help?

You can always get in touch with our support team—just click Support in your Leadpages navigation menu, or submit a ticket ↗

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