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The OpenTable embed widget

Last Updated

OpenTable is an online software that helps users make online reservations, read restaurant reviews from diners, and earn points towards free meals. OpenTable is a real-time online reservation network.

With the OpenTable embed widget, you can easily give your visitors the ability to search for an OpenTable reservation right on your page or pop-up.


The fine print

  • OpenTable embed widget clicks are not currently logged as a conversion in Leadpages analytics.
  • It is not currently possible to use more than one OpenTable embed widget per page.

Using the OpenTable embed widget

There's no embed code necessary when looking to add OpenTable in Leadpages. Just the restaurant's OpenTable Restaurant ID will do!

Before adding the widget to your page or pop-up, you'll want to copy your OpenTable Restaurant ID.


  1. Search for your restaurant's OpenTable Restaurant ID here.
  2. Note the Restaurant ID number under its name.
  3. Back in Leadpages, navigate to the Widgets tab on the left sidebar of the builder. Expand the list of widgets by clicking Show More, then drag an OpenTable embed widget and drop it wherever you’d like visitors to see it on your page.
  4. Click on the widget, then enter your OpenTable Restaurant ID number and click Save.

Customization and Styling Details

NOTE: This widget is a direct embed for searching OpenTable reservations. Therefore, clicks on this widget will not result in a conversion in your Leadpages analytics and the restaurant availability will open in a separate browser tab.

Since this widget is a direct embed from OpenTable, the look and feel of the widget is not currently customizable (i.e. text, color).

Once a visitor clicks Find a Table, a new browser tab will open with the restaurant's availability for the date, time and number of guests they selected in the widget.

Just as with any other widget, when placed next to another widget, the size and shape of your OpenTable embed will automatically adjust.

Simply hover over the right or left-hand side of the widget, then click and drag the sizing slider to adjust.

On mobile browsers, the widget will stack just like other widgets and is optimized for mobile viewing.

Tips and Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I add the restaurant name to the widget?

Although the widget doesn't allow for text to be added, we recommend utilizing a text or headline widget on the page to call out the name of the restaurant. Once a visitor clicks Find a Table, a new browser tab will open with the restaurant's availability for the date, time and number of guests they selected in the widget.

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